One On One with Specialists

At COAST Physical Therapy Specialists we listen to you. We use no aides or assistants, so you work only with skilled physical therapists whose treatment goal is to help you recover and meet your goals. Whether you want to return to high level athletics, work, running, skiing, cycling, dancing, lifting your child, climbing your stairs or simply bending over without pain, we can help!

Our therapists are highly trained and skilled to provide you with a thorough evaluation and prescribe an individualized treatment plan. We don’t just treat symptoms, we to aim address the source of the problem and any contributing factors that may be influencing the main problem. We evaluate you and your problem, and plan your treatment together with you.

Our therapists also ensure that you will have a full understanding of your condition and will collaborate with you on formulating realistic treatment goals that will enable your return to activity. We also stay in close contact with your referring physician to more effectively coordinate your care.
Your time is valuable, and we respect that you are taking time out of your busy schedule to prioritize your wellness. For the hour you are with your PT, you have our full attention. Patients are always seen one-at-a-time, and on time. We think one-on-one individualized time with your therapist maximizes your rehabilitation gains as well as overall patient understanding. We know other clinics have a different take on patient appointments, but we think if we do an excellent job with you, you’ll get better faster, which is the goal?

We administer:

  • Manual therapy or specialized hands-on or techniques for treating soft tissue and joint restrictions, and for re-educating weakened or inhibited muscles.
  • Modalities such as ultrasound and ice may also be applied during the treatment to help relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Corrective exercise is also integrated to build strength and joint stability, help improve faulty movement patterns, build on and maintain progress, and prevent re-injury.
  • Frequency and duration of treatments is based on the specific presentation of the patient’s problem. This includes the severity, irritability and the nature of the problem. Together with the patient, your therapist will determine the optimal way to manage your problem.
  • Home programs are devised to help the patient maximize the benefit from the overall Physical Therapy Plan.

Getting you back to the life you want to live